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Médiathèque de Nérac

Very best of (The)...

Auteur(s)Pogues (The) (Artiste de spectacle) ;McColl, Kirsty (Artiste de spectacle) ;Dubliners (The) (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Very best of (The)... [Enregistrement sonore] / Pogues (The), Dubliners (The), ens. voc. & instr. ; Kirsty McColl, chant.

Editeur(s)[S. l.] : Warner Music, 2001.

ContientDirty old town. - The irish rover. - Sally MacLennane. - Fiesta. - A pair of brown eyes. - Fairytale of New York. - The body of an american. - Streams of whiskey. - The sick bed of Cuchulainn. - If I should fall from grace with God. - Misty morning, Albert Bridge. - Rain street. - White city. - A rainy night in Soho. - London girl. - Boys from the county hell. - The sunnyside of the street. - Summer in Siam. - Hell''s ditch. - The old main drag. - The band played waltzing Matilda.

NotesFournisseur: Warner Music France.

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Espace culturel d'Albret
Quai de la Baïse
47 600 Nérac
