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Auteur(s)Swift, Taylor (1989-...) ;Future (1983-...) (Chanteur) ;Sheeran, Ed (1991-...) (Compositeur)

Titre(s)Reputation / Taylor Swift.

Editeur(s)Big Machine, 2017.

ContientReady for it ?. - End game / Future / Ed Sheeran. - I did something bad. - Don't blame me. - Delicate. - Look what you made me do. - So it goes. - Gorgeous. - Getaway car. - King of my heart. - Dancing with our hands tied. - Dress. - This is why we can't have nice things. - Call it what you want. - New year's day. - End game.

RésuméSixième opus pour la chanteuse aux 42 millions d'albums vendus !.

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