When Harry met Sally


Auteur(s)Connick Jr, Harry (1967-...) (Compositeur) ;Watts, Jeff 'Tain' (1960-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Shaiman, Mark (Conducteur) ;Wolfe, Ben (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)When Harry met Sally = Quand Harry rencontre Sally : bande originale du film de Rob Reiner / Harry Connick Jr, mus. & p. ; Jeff 'Tain' Watts, batt. ; Mark Shaiman, dir. ; Ben Wolfe, cb.

Editeur(s)[S. l.] : Sony Music, 1989.

ContientIt had to be you (With big band and vocals). - Our love is here to stay. - Stompin' at the Savoy. - But not for me. - Winter wonderland. - Don't get around much anymore. - Autumn in New York. - I could write a book. - Let's call the whole thing off. - It had to be you (Instrumental trio). - Where or when.

Notes. - Fournisseur: Sony BMG Music Entertainment.


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